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  1. ON Jul 10, 2014 Can EMU Oil relieve or reduce arthritis pain?


    Can Emu Oil help to ease arthritis pain?

    When arthritis pain makes each day a new adventure in pain, you are ready to find relief in any and every form. Enter EMU Oil, one of the most exciting and vital products generated from the Australian native bird EMU. Let us walk you through the various aspects of this oil so you can learn about the amazing benefits that may help to ease your pain!

    Origin of the Oil

    The EMU is a flightless bird, resembling a small ostrich. EMU oil is processed from the fat of the bird.

    Benefits of EMU Oil

    The benefits of EMU Oil are widespread. Emu Oil has properties that have been known to comfort stiff muscles and joints, and help reduce the inflammation and swelling of arthritic joints. When used regularly, it can act much like an analgesic without the side effects.

    According to WebMD,

    Emu Oil, when applied directly to the skin, has provided some relief from sore muscles, aching joints, pain or inflammation, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, shin splints and gout.

    It has also been shown to assist with healing wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, redness due to acne and soothing diaper rash, as well as reducing the appearance of other skin conditions such as stretch marks, psoriasis and wrinkles.

    How does EMU Oil help to lessen the affects of Arthritis?

    Experts at WebMD states that

    “Emu oil contains chemicals called fatty acids that might reduce pain and swelling (inflammation).”

    This oil can penetrate the human skin much faster than the other oils. EMU oil has Oleic acid and Linolenic acid, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties. Thus this oil will act as a lubricant and will reduce joint pain and stiffness as well as the swelling in the affected areas. The effect is immediate. Soothing. Lasting.

    How to use EMU Oil?

    Just apply the oil on the affected area and massage. Do it regularly. For best results, apply three times a day.

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